IPPS Patient Advocate Reporter (PAR) Scholarship

Submission is open for this grant. Submission due date is April 13, 2025

This award is designed to promote resident and fellow education on the topic of pelvic pain. Residents or fellows may apply for this scholarship in order to attend the IPPS Annual Scientific Meeting or the Clinical Foundations Course to learn more about evaluation and management of pelvic pain.

Award: One scholarship of $300 will be awarded for the Annual Scientific Meeting and one scholarship for the Clinical Foundations Course.

Applications will be accepted from all fields of medicine that are directly involved in patient care (as long as they have some component related to care of pelvic pain patients).

Eligibility Requirements:

· IPPS Trainee Member (residents, fellows, medical students or other trainees with a post-doc degree)

· Must be registered for the meeting or course in which you are applying for the scholarship (Annual Scientific Meeting or Clinical Foundations Course)

Application Requirements:
Send Email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. containing the following:

1. A brief personal statement (250 words or less) describing how the educational goals of the applicant can be fulfilled by attending the IPPS meeting.
2. Attached copy of CV
3. Attached copy of 2 letters of recommendation, one of which must be a nomination from the program director

Payment will be made after the meeting and attendance is verified. The applicant will need to submit a complete W-9 or W-8 Ben form prior to payment being made.
Restrictions: This award may be received in conjunction with other awards, i.e. a trainee can apply for this and for PAR.

Click here to view previous Patient Advocate Reports


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International Pelvic Pain Society
14305 Southcross Drive West, Suite 100
Burnsville, MN 55306
Telephone: +1 (612) 474-4140
Fax: +1 (952) 314-8212
Email: info@pelvicpain.org